The selection in the form of mucus when aroused in women

The formation of secretions when aroused in women occurs due to the fact that during the sexual act increases the amount of lubricant. This is due to a natural ducatus, the employee of protection of the genital organs from mechanical damage — produces a much greater quantity of mucus.

the mucus when aroused in women

Secretions contains many substances, due to that it is protected sexual system in the setting of infection. But, there are cases in which the allocation of time of intimacy very abundant, or vice — versa - they are not enough, which can bring disadvantages.

Important! In healthy women, the vaginal lubrication of medium thickness, transparent consistency and does not have the characteristic odor and color. If there was any change in color and viscosity, it is necessary to consult the doctor, so that they could identify the pathology.

It is important to discover the nature of the secret. As abundant formation of secretions, and its lack can be a worrying fact. The impact of the change of the color and viscosity of the mucus, can provide the use of medications, age, and index, as well as hormonal change.

Influence of sexual intercourse to the formation of mucus

The average of the wall of the vagina moisture formed after 12 to 16 seconds after it comes to active stimulation in the erogenous zone. This also occurs when the strong woman of allocation occur when excited at a psychological level. After a sexual organ is introduced a natural lubricant, the mucus continues to be produced, and even increase its volumes.

During the excitement of the mucus excels in norm, on more than one level, the maximum allocation occurs when the orgasm. With a decrease of excitation department of mucus normal.

Natural praeunctus it is a sure sign that it has occurred the female, the excitement, that it is not possible to stimulate or falsify. In the penetration of sperm into the female sexual organ can change the consistency of grease and the vaginal discharge is made to the new form with the consistency of white color.

The change of assignments during intimacy

Selection of women appear in the form of watery, liquid of a substance that acts as a lubricant. A volume higher lubrication is usually produced when a woman excited. Many times, some girls after intimacy occurs the specific training of the vaginal discharge. If sexual contact occurs without a condom after the act can manifest itself in women, and the formation of dense and transparent, and the secretory offices of the mucus.

Such formation of the vagina, after a short period of time to convert to another form, and the allocations to the formed white liquid consistency. When you secure a sexual act, or to your crisp aborted you assignments celebrated white is scarce a creamy structure. The relocation of the offices of the vagina, sometimes occurs due to the action of a medicine hormonal.

To apply the medication of hormonal action (t. and contraceptive or other tool) can occur the formation of an allergic reaction, which includes inhibiting the ovulatory process. In this case, the allocation of lubrication is greatly reduced when your normal volume. Very rarely can occur when the intake of contraceptives, the presence of more abundant offices mucus. As only hormonal stop taking the drug, the index returned to normal.

the mucus when aroused in women normally

The negative impact of the change of partner (a) sexual

If the girls often change sexual partners, this can also cause a change in vaginal lubrication. The offices of the sexual organ can become thicker and more abundant. This is due to the fact that when sexual relations with a new partner, the state changes of the microflora in the genital organs.

Due to the action of a new conditional pathogenic flora, infiltrator in the body system of the vagina is produced by the adaptation to the unknown bacteria and microorganism and, in some cases, and a complete rejection. Often, this translates into a way to increase the number of offices of the mucus, as well as the color change and the structure of lubrication. Usually, gradually, the rate to normalize. However, the change frequent partners can be formed with serious illness, as well as infertility.

The lack of assignments

There are cases in which during the sexual act, the separation of mucus does not stand out in the right amount. This manifestation also in medical practice believe that the deviation from the norm. Usually, this is happening against the backdrop, which is not produced the necessary volume and lubricants. The lack of assignments is extremely dangerous, because it can turn into serious complications.

In this context, it is often formed adhesion of pathogens, due to the fact that the reproductive system becomes vulnerable. During sexual intercourse the woman concerned strong discomfort. Can also occur women disease. If a woman has a lack of secretion, which negatively affects and your partner (a) sexual. When the girl excess dryness of the vagina, this can lead to the fact that the partner is turned off or will be damaged the brake in the penis.

The causes of the lack of assignments

As a general rule, for any abnormality in the body there is a reason why it occurred the disorder. When abundant lubrication, and in the absence of offices of the mucus, there is a factor that affects this formation. A sudden drop of vaginal discharge occurs when:

  • frequent stress situations;
  • sexually transmitted diseases, and the presence of infectious process in the genital organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • lack excited before the sexual act;
  • broken circulation;
  • pathological state in the nervous system.
Important! When stands out the lubrication between women during sex, preludes, this means that the complaint. This is related with the physiological reaction of the organism and is a normal indicator. In relation with the individual characteristics of the organism, lubrication, highlights-if someone in a bigger, but someone in less space.

You should know that, as scarce, and abundant allocation of the woman, with the presence of odor and discomfort, require surveillance. At the first sign, you should seek help from a professional to avoid unpleasant consequences. In any case, unnecessary to the examination will not prevent to be sure that withtaanem body all in order, and in a timely manner to resolve unpleasant disorder.